An addition to the popular @dubai_ladies twitter account, detailing current events in the City, keeping upto date with offers to interest women and their families.
Hopefully with the blog I can cover more in depth coverage of the things us women love....
I literally cannot stop listening to this, first time I was like "so what" Joe Rogan played this on his Podcast (which I LOVE) and i googled it apparently its an internet phenomenon...
They played the radio version on Trevor Nelson as "Forget You" instead of "Fuck You"
So after my post the other day about Kendall Jenner being too young to model the way she was, all wet and sandy on the beach in a bikini with a tonne of Make-up, apparently i'm not the only one who thought so!
Just a quick post today, i'm quire preoccupied with my Twitter today and the Blackberry Ban travesty that just hit the UAE which goes into place in October due to Data Protection Issues.... Apparently...